So here’s the deal. The question all of us need to be asking ourselves right now is do we want to be a help or a hindrance during this global crisis. I mean, we should have been asking ourselves this question all along, but especially now it has become essential.

Little things matter even though this thing is playing itself out so big. Probably the most simple (but not necessarily easy) thing to do is calm down. That’s right, slow down and take a breath. Then notice how your breath just happens without you having to do anything. How it moves your body. Then feel your feet on the floor or your butt on the chair. Notice how the force of gravity is helping you to be here, grounded, connected to the earth. Take a minute to appreciate that.

Be grateful. You are alive. And here at this momentous time, participating in one of humanity’s greatest dramas ever. Truly mythic times. In my story, we’ve been behaving as if we could do whatever we want for a long time without regard for the rest of life on the planet and Mother Earth has found a way to bring us to our knees. So get down and thank her.

And ask her forgiveness for our foolishness. Tell her you will do whatever is needed right now to help bring life back into balance on the planet. Then get very quiet and listen deeply for the call when it comes. Because it will. Everyone is needed right now.

We are being called to stop and listen and learn. To remember what we mean to each other and what it’s like to live a simple life that isn’t at the expense of all other life on the planet. Where we’re not running around being busy and busting our asses to earn a living to pay the bills for a life we don’t have time to live, let alone appreciate.

Imagine there’s another way. Go ahead let your imagination fly off into the future in a visionary way. What is possible here? Now is the time to fight for your dream of the way the world could be and creating it right here today. Start with something small like being kind. It’s so easy to get angry and afraid about what’s happening and want to blame someone. But try giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. We’re all doing the best that we can. It’s up to us to do better. Maybe it will inspire them. And even if it doesn’t we will feel good.

Times like these bring out the best and the worst in us. If more of us focus on our better selves, we can tip the scale from those who are lost in frenzied delusions of hate and fear. We out-weigh them. I trust that we do. Be a voice for empathy and compassion and equality and justice. Put your energy where it can do the most good. Only you will know what that means for you. Then do it with a measured passion remembering to take care of yourself as well. And encourage others to do the same.

It’s our only hope.

To help with that self-care, I am offering a meditation/support group on-line on Monday nights from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, and Thursday mornings 8-9:30 AM. I’m also offering a support group based on Joanna Macy’s The Work That Reconnects called Active Hope:How to Stay Sane in These Crazy Times on Tuesday at Noon. Email me, for the links if you’d like to participate in any of these groups. They’re free.